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The Spring 2022 Issue

I am pleased to share the Spring 2020 issue of Military Images magazine. The origins of our theme—Mathew Brady at 200—date to late November 2021, when I learned about plans for a new Brady memorial planned in Washington, D.C. During my quest to learn more about the plans, I took passing notice of his birth date (May 18) and year (1822, ’23, or ’24). Somewhere in the recesses of my brain, the little gray cells did the math and calculated that our spring issue coincided with the earliest possible commemoration of his 200th birthday.

A whirlwind of activity to build an issue around Brady’s birthday ensued. When the dust cleared in early February, we had five feature stories in the planner: A forum of essays by nine historians, curators, and collectors abut Brady’s relevance, an exploration of Brady’s overlooked “Illustrations of Camp Life” series, an examination of how the pubic consumed the Lincoln and Tad portrait by Brady photographer Anthony Berger, a gallery of soldier portraits from Brady’s studios, and, last but not least, an exclusive story about the Mathew Brady/Levin Handy Memorial at Congressional Cemetery.

Stay tuned for more Brady coverage through 2024!

Ronald S. Coddington
Editor & Publisher

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